Making Your Home Safer During the Holidays

As the holidays near this brings decorations, parties, shopping, and an abundance of food and fun. Don’t let inadequate or lack of home safety put a damper on your holidays. Following good safety practices will keep you and your family feeling secure as well as keep your home from being a target for theft. Here are some tips to help:

Tip 1: Be mindful of sharing travel plans on social media. It’s tempting to talk on Twitter or Facebook about your travel plans to visit Grandma or Uncle Joe but don’t…at least, not until after you’ve made the trip and returned back home. Sharing prime information about where you’re going, when you’re leaving, and when you’ll be back home is letting any would-be thief know when your house is empty. The same applies for attending parties or planning a full day of shopping with friends and family. Never advertise when your home is empty.

Tip 2: Notify a trusted neighbor. If you’re planning to be away for a few days notify a trusted neighbor. Your neighbor will keep an eye for anyone lurking around your home they don’t know and can call the authorities, if necessary. Additionally, your neighbor can collect your mail and newspaper so these don’t pile up. Always keep your home looking living in to deter a burglar.

Tip 3: Hide the Christmas gifts and boxes. If you’re a parent you’re used to hiding the gifts from the curious eyes of young children. It’s not only children peeking but burglars are interested in looking in windows to spot what’s under the tree. While we can appreciate a decorated and lit tree in front of the window during an evening drive, it’s the trees in front of or near windows that are more susceptible to a thief breaking a window to snatch gifts.

Bonus Tip: After the gifts are opened take care in breaking down the boxes and packaging placed with your trash pick-up. While it’s convenient to place a large box beside the trash pick up, it’s not a good idea. Again, thieves are just as interested in knowing what you were gifted. A large box for an electronic item or other desirable item can be a signal you don’t want to give. Place cardboard in garbage bags.

Tip 4: Practice fire safety with your holiday lights and chimney. Before snuggling with family near a roaring fire in the fireplace or decorating the mantle with care, it must be safe. Take the time to hire a professional to clean your chimney and/or inspect your furnace to prepare for cold weather usage. Take care in using only strings of lights in good condition around your tree, porch, rooftops, and for interior displays. No frayed light strings should ever be used. Make it a rule that when you’re not home that light strings are turned off. It may be enticing to want to enter your home with the holiday decorations lit but should something go wrong you’re not there to stop it or call the fire department for help.

Use these tips to stay safe over the holidays. If you’re thinking of buying or selling a home in the New Hampshire seacoast and Southern Maine area contact us for a consultation. We would like to represent you.